Your Support Matters


We rely on contributions from individual donors

This past year we gave out $955,908 in abortion funding.

This would not have been possible without you! 


4,447 Individuals Helped

Individuals received counseling, information, support, and referrals


3,898 Financially Assisted

Individuals used our financial support to follow through on their decision to have an abortion


1,143, 034 Dollars Raised

Donor Contributions allow individuals to make the best decision for themselves and their families

Our Numbers



individuals received counseling, information, support and referrals.


individuals used our financial support to follow through on their decision to have an abortion.


Of the individuals who received funding:

The majority of the people calling the Help Line have always identified as Black or Latinx (demonstrating how abortion restrictions disproportionately impact people of color) and live in deep poverty, defined as a family income that is less than 50% of the federal poverty level.

In 2024 that means an annual income of less than $7,530 for a single person and less than $10,220 for the many single parents we talk to.


For more, download our needs assessment “People Who Cannot Afford an Abortion in Southeastern Pennsylvania: A Needs Assessment”


 Donation Questions?

Contact us at

TAX ID (EIN) NUMBER: 84-3028266